Roberta Robbins
Roberta Robbins
Mabon~ Autumn Equinox
Soul Rejuvenation
Two Days & Two Evenings...
The Mabon Portal is opening...
Time to dance across is threshold...
To step into more of your magic...
Time to call back and embody your multidimensional soul...
Time to weave wisdom through your body, mind & heart...
And it is time to anchor and unite your sacred divinity within.
September 22nd - 24th
Friday from 4pm to Sunday at 4pm.
In the countryside of Amaranth, ON
Take time for yourself...
For Soul Rejuvenation, reconnection to nature and yourself.
Time to align with the sacred season of mabon and hear the wisdom that calls to you within the earth, from the stars and from within your soul.
The Sacred Wheel of the Year turns once more, the mabon season of our sacred rhythms beacons to us to slow down, breathe deeply, lean into the abundance of the harvest of our life.
This weekend retreat will offer your body and soul time to surrender, recharge and to integrate new soul wisdom and wellbeing.
Lean into the call of mother nature, dip your soul into her waters, move with her whispering winds, dance to the beat of her cosmic heart and rise with the flames of her sacred fires. Reach for the celestial heavens, breathe in their healing, receive their star codes, embody their light language and dive deep into your sacred remembrance of the timelessness of YOU!
You guide, teacher and ceremonlist for this retreat is Roberta Robbins. She has been offering retreats for over 15 years. This year the call is to return to the earth, dance with the stars and remember, rejuvenate and embody the still point of our soul essence. In doing so with the sacred turn of the wheel of the year and the arrival of Autumn Equinox, also known as 'Mabon" we will explore this celtic season wisdom and sacred medicine and start to call in the crone, the wise one, also known as the 'Cailleach'.
You will be guided into stillness, wholeness and deep shamanic practices to reconnect with nature, the cosmos and your sacred BE-ing!
Includes: camping/meals/workshops/healing ceremony/rituals/shamanic journeys & all supplies
Cost- $333 cad for the full weekend.
There is payment plan options (please reach out to me if you need that)
There is also a sliding scale options to support those that need financial assistance.
This retreat is located on a friend's property in Amaranth, ON, which is apprx. 15min drive west of Orangeville.
The family and land host the Coming Home Music & Wellness Festival in August. If you have ever attended the event you will know how beautiful this place is.
Throughout the weekend we will be indoors and outdoors. If weather is beautiful for us, we will spend as much time as possible out in it. So in saying that, do bring clothing for various weather...and all items you will need if you are camping with us for the weekend. There is an indoor washroom to use. Meals are prepared and eaten in the house. We may do some gathering time in there too, if we aren't able to be outside in nature.
Here are some picture of this lovely property>>>
Retreat Property
~Pond, Creek, Woodlands, Trails, Meditation Areas, Hammock, Camping, Bonfire...
Describe your image
Describe your image
Describe your image
If you have any questions regarding the Autumn Equinox Retreat Weekend, please feel free to contact me by phone or email. Or alternatively fill in the form below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
PHONE NUMBER: 705 -446-5533
EMAIL: info@robertarobbins.com
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