What started me on the journey that has lead to the creation of the 9 month online program? So much has gone into this birthing process. The School of the Sacred Medicine Weaver has been created as I walked my own personal journey. It comes from the depths of my essence. My work is ME. Along this healing journey I have stepped into my personal power and become aware of the wisdom and medicine that has surfaced. This, along with the teachings that has guided me along the way, is how the Sacred Medicine Path (SMP) was born. I have been working with clients (mostly women) for almost 2 decades now. I realize that what draws them to me for support, guidance, education and healing is the wisdom I have obtained from my personal journey. I love my one on one sessions with women, but I can only reach so many in a week. This is why I have shifted in the last 3 years into offering and holding sacred space in more group settings. Like everything, it has been a journey and I feel like it all started about 8 years ago when I offered my first 4 week long 'Awaken Your Soul Language' Workshop Series. Then in the same year came the opportunity to start stepping into the role of a Weekend Retreat Facilitator...which birthed my yearly Autumn Weekend Retreats.
Oh, wait... or did it all start 12 years ago when I welcomed a group of women, mostly my friends into my home to celebrate Yule ~Winter Solstice. We gathered together with the intention of slowing down. Of breathing into the season, into it's magic and wisdom. I still hold my Yule Circles...13 years this Dec. 21st! Since then I offer on a regular basis The Sacred Wise Women Circles and Moon Medicine Healing Circles.
But as I said earlier, the Sacred Medicine Path is about my medicine...and if I look even farther back...all the way to childhood...it's been there. What's been there you might ask? My sacred dream of...Magic. Full Moons speaking to me. Playing and communicating with the trees, wind, water, earth... the animals, faeries, angelic beings, the unseen guides (aka the imaginary friends)....the whispers in the breeze, the shape-shifters in the mirror and the flames of the fire.
SO how can my journey and the creation of SMP, help others? First off we attract what we are needing in our lives. If this post has reached you and you are taking the time to read and explore...this is a Divine Connection...You are receiving the support to make the changes you are seeking. It is coming to you via Signs and Synchronicity. I have seen so many women desiring to be in their personal medicine. They are reaching for support and guidance so they can align with their own healing, power and wisdom. I am asked regularly to offer tools, techniques and teachings to help them along their journey. This is one of the many things that the SMP program offers.
Secondly, you speak this language already. You are already on this path. The SMP is a path that offers you the stepping stones, the illumination and bridges to successfully travel on your sacred journey. SMP offers you the tools, teaching, healing, awareness and empowerment for YOU to awaken, reclaim and embody YOUR sacred medicine.
The program is MORE than just these teachings and adding more tools to your sacred medicine. It is also about healing, looking deeper into your own journey this far. It's about creating and being a part of a community of other Sacred Medicine Weavers. Having the support and guidance you are seeking to live your own sacred truth! These sacred teachings are a foundation and stepping stones for you to remember and reconnect to your natural wisdom.
If you would like to learn more about this program and how it may benefit you, reach out to me. I would love to chat with you more. Blessings Dear Sacred Ones,
info@robertarobbins.com sacredmedicinepath.com