Chiron Stations Retrograde in Aries July 23rd until Dec. 26th 2023. It will retrograde at 19° Aries and travel back to 15°.
Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer and supports us with moving through healing our own soul wounds, along with highlighting areas of our healing and wisdom gifts.
Chiron is a very deep personal internal journey for each of us, and with this RX it asking us to look outwards to see our reflection being mirrored back to us on how we are navigating our Wounded Healer Journey.
It is time to go within yourself, especially looking at the Aries energies in your natal chart to support this.
Aries energies asks us to get to know ourselves more. What are our superpowers of healing? What have we healed from that has brought us to this point in our life. Who have become? Where do we go from this point?
This Chiron RX offers a deeper healing of rebirth and embodying our soul gifts and wisdom gained into who we really are.
I would suggest having a look at your Natal Chart to see what area is being activated in your chart at this time.
~Roberta Robbins